About me
My name is Ayo Gry, im born in 1986 in Denmark.
I have a history of facilitating group activities and creating and maintaining communities. I am an activist and have been organising political meetings, demonstrations and summer camps. I have been part of co-creating and building an old factory called Makvärket in Denmark. I was organising a Queer Feminist Summercamp for 5 years, where I did workshops on Bondage, Talk about sex, Croquis, sound showers, fine carpentry and conflict resolutions. With this amazing place and community in my heart, im looking forward to invite for more weekends with a sexpositive embodiement approach to building trust, friendships and communities.
I have been involved in creating an old cultural bath house in Copenhagen; Sjællandsgade Bad, for more than 10 years. I worked as the manager of the place for 3 years. Doing the years, I was mastering and teaching aufguss/saunagus classes and creating events of sound Journeys, monthly Queer Saunas and Sensual Cacoa Ceremonies.
I am now rooted in Berlin with my dog Booby and my partner. Im living in a WG of 12 people.
I have been doing rope since 2017 in SMIL and Kinbaku Lounge, Copenhagen. I have been taking classes in Studio6x6 and im enjoying learning and experimenting at workshops and Bondage Jams. I was a volunteer in the beautiful Karada House and are regularly visiting some of Berlins many sexpositive events, such as Eurix and KONK.
The pandemic gave me the opportunity to slow down and I found myself having a deep learning about the importance of intimacy and touch for humans to feel well and for relational learning. Doing the last 2 years I was co-creating a community called Skinship ~ a touch based place for kinship. See the calender for more info.
I am gender fluid/trans/non-binary and uses the pronouns they and he.
Somatic and therapeutic certificates
Certified from The Institute of Somatic Sexology as a Sexological Bodyworker
Introduction Course to Ritualistic Tantra by Katja von der Forst
Certified in Introduction to Embodied Counselling from The Institute of Somatic Sexology .
Student of MindBody Therapy from the Institute of Embodied Philosophy
Certified in MindBody Therapy from the Institute of Embodied Philosophy
Student of The Pantarei Approach in Berlin.
Certified from The Pantarei Approach in Berlin.
Student of the advanced practitioner level from The Pantarei Approach in Berlin.
Get in contact
Email: touchedbodywork.ayo(@)
Insta: touchedbodywork