Monday Morning Embodiment Class
Join us every Monday morning at 10.00 on Zoom.
In English. All levels welcome.
Each class lasts 45-60 minutes and every class is a stand-alone session so you don’t have to join every time. No registration needed. Simply show up a couple of minutes before we start.
Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 352 996 3700
Passcode: GkX38Q
Please donate whatever fits your budget.
We suggest 5-10 € / 40-80 kr. for each class.
If you can’t pay – don’t worry. It’s on us. <3
Bank transfer:
IBAN: DE50 4306 0967 1029 3257 00
Come prepared
You don’t need to do anything special to prepare but for most of the sessions it’s good if you have a little space to move around, comfortable clothes, a place to sit comfortably and maybe pen and paper on hand.
Make sure you are in a space where you won’t be disturbed and where you feel safe. Make sure your internet connection is stabile and all your phones and notifications are turned off.
Join us on WhatsApp or Telegram
We have groups on WhatsApp and Telegram where you can stay updated about who will be teaching the following Monday and if it’s a good idea to prepare or bring something. It is not necessary to be in the groups but some days it will make the experience better for you to know what to prepare for.
We send out one message each Sunday (the same message is posted in both groups so you can chose the app you prefer).
Who are we?
We are three facilitators in the Monday Morning Embodiment Classes and we take turns facilitating the class. We all have a background in social justice movements, particularly around queer and trans issues, and we bring this knowledge into our therapeutic work.
Axel Nielsen does somatic therapy with the Pantarei Approach, Embodied Counselling and MindBody Therapy.
Ayo Gry is a co-founder of Skinship_Berlin and educated in sexological bodywork, tantra massage and MindBody Therapy.
Mads Ananda Lodahl is trained in Thai massage, Swedish massage and MindBody Therapy.
We all offer one-on-one sessions as well. Both online and offline. With or without touch. Click our names to find out more.
The Enjoy Life Club team: Mads Ananda Lodahl, Ayo Gry and Axel Nielsen.
What happens in an embodiment class?
In our classes you will be guided through practical exercises such as: Meditations, visualizations, self-touch, self-massage, movement practices, breath work, therapeutic writing/drawing exercises, pleasure mapping, and much, much more.
The activities we offer are based on different schools and systems within somatic psychotherapy, bodywork and MindBody therapy.
Everything in class is invitational. You participate as much as you want. This is your space to be curious and practice embodiment.
Learn the language of your body.
Take some time for you to heal.
Enhance your ability to enjoy life.
What is embodiment?
Embodiment is about being able to pay attention to your body and understand how it is feeling and what it tries to tell you. It is about listening to physical sensations, emotions and inner imagery.
Most of us are pretty good at using our brains and intellects. We’re good at figuring things out. And that’s great! But sometimes it’s harder to understand the language of the body.
The butterflies in your stomach …
What are they trying to tell you?
Or your nervous system. Your gut feeling. The tight neck and shoulders. The constant headaches. Being dizzy. In love. Excited, tired or confused. How do you experience safety? Joy? Belonging? It needs practice to learn this language.
Embodiment creates resilience and when you increase your general sense of embodiment, it helps heal trauma, depression, anxiety, stress and addiction. But it also helps prevent those same problems in the future.
The more you are able to be with your body and listen to it, the better prepared you will be to heal yourself and make sure that difficult experiences in the future will be easier for you to overcome.
A stronger sense of embodiment also increases your capacity to experience joy, safety and well-being. It helps you smell the flowers, get into the groove, connect with others and enjoy life in general.
We can’t wait to see you!
Ayo, Axel and Mads